(I Received This In An E-Mail This Morning)
(Don't Forget To Read Description Below Image)
(Don't Forget To Read Description Below Image)
"Good news is that I truly out did myself this year with my Christmas decorations. The bad news is that I had to take him down after 2 days. I had more people come screaming up to my house than ever.Great stories. But two things made me take it down.
First, the cops advised me that it would cause traffic accidents as they almost wrecked when they drove by.
Second, a 55 year old lady grabbed the 75 pound ladder almost killed herself putting it against my house and didn't realize it was fake until she climbed to the top (she was not happy). By the way, she was one of many people who attempted to do that. My yard couldn't take it either. I have more than a few tire tracks where people literally drove up my yard."
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I'll bet if you dressed him up like Santa people would double-take but not think it was real.
Absolutely fantastic. Maybe next year, you may want to put a sign :)
That is seriously funny.
mebbe dress him as santa!
Seriously - Dress him like Santa, and put a sign up. Like "Stay Off the lawn, he's fine"
if you went hand to hand towards the window, you could have planted your feet in the screens and climbed back up to the roof? ;)
Wow, thats scary dude. Wouldnt want to get caught lilke that!
Man, you were just gonna leave that Little Giant ladder sit out there unattended??? Of course, not like any one human could pick it up to steal it.
That's the BEST Christmas decoration I've ever seen! Yes, dress him as Santa & put him back!!
wow, thanks for the great laugh (or whoever emailed it!)
Thanks paul.it sure would get the traveling public,to get there eyes away from driving.
Kudos to the people who tried to save "you". Amazing decoration though! Probably spices up the neighborhood a bit.
hhahaah classic ...sort of like my photo http://www.fotocommunity.com/pc/pc/mypics/535851/display/7414689
I love how someone is taking a picture instead of helping out LMAO
omg that's epic win!
Thanks for a great laugh!
i think it is really wonderful that so many people just immediately rushed in to "HELP"!!!
the best part is the person who could help the poor man is the camera man, and he's busy taking the picture!
Lifesize Hanging Santa!
"Help, I'm falling and I can't get up!!"
Awesome! I bet those people who stopped to help feel like idiots now. What assholes! Bet they'll never do that again!
Brilliant stuff, love it.
definitely santa next year
You could also try making a big word balloon out of plywood and mounting it beside him, saying "WHOA!" or something -- would be enough of a visual cue for people to put two-and-two together...
Another idea: You could put a big sign that says FAIL.
actually the best part is the fact people look at the picture and not read the description and in turn make a complete fool out of themselves!
I think you are faking people out in this thread too... its a decoration not a real person.... haha great decoration
it's not even that far of a fall! people are too kind these days
Of course, now if it happened for real and someone slipped off the ladder, passersby would just say "ah, don't worry - it's just a decoration..."
pure genius
OGG!!!! That was great, made my day...LOL
Pretty stupid idea really, you didn't see any problems with that huh? At least you seemed to be concerned with the old lady nearly killing herself.
Next year have "him" hang out the bedroom window with his pants around his ankles!
that is a great idea but im always in trouble so I dont think ill give it a go. Just brilliant, thanks for the laughs.
At least it shows how many good people there are in the world, who would stop everything and risk themselves to save a stranger.
Glad you took it down for the safety of others. It was a cute idea.
i love it!!!!
so creative and funny...
this is great
EXCELLENT!! - Did you have the lights on at night?
You have to admire the creativity! Love it.
Clearly this man is recently divorced!
Shockingly Funny!!!
You should've put a brown stain on the back of the jeans, you know, to add to the realism.
Too funny!!
I gotta admit that I would have prob. swiped the Little Giant ladder. Those co$t! and don't fall out from under you.
What's really funny is next year when this happens to you, no one is going to help out.
Good laugh otherwise.
Hey - at least some people stopped to try to help the poor thing! There ARE good people out there! Great idea!
Is this your original content? I'm interested in using the photo for a poster. Can you direct me to source?
Nope this is not my original content. I received this in an e-mail from a friend who sent it to me. Not sure about the source. Sorry.
Funny. In my neighborhood, he'd be called Target Practice.
Brilliant idea, I love it!
haha! This is WONDERFUL!
It would be awesome to have the ladder deliver a low voltage shock! Or, have an automatic sprinkler kick on as they approached!
If you are curious about the story behind it, check the below post. Done by a local neighboor. We had a fun time till the police came, lol. http://adamfaragalli.com/2009/12/the-greatest-christmas-decoration-ever/
Here's another similar one. It got 911 calls. http://jackhole.net/Christmaslights.jpg
I think they are both hilarious, but I will admit, I would probably have a Heart attack if I saw it!
Absolutely hilarious! Thanks for sharing!
What I like is all the idiots who comment that think it's a real person! That's worth it also!
Will someone in the USA please grasp this opportunity and do something with it...COME ON..!!
That is so funny! I wanna try something similiar :)
hang by one arm turned facing road and apply a mask from one of the celeb costume shops. Such as Obama or the late Ted Kennedy... might add a more humorous aspect and let the poor fools know its a fake... otherwise wonderful, wish i had thought of it...
That was an awesome stunt! Thanks so much for the great laugh! We must meet sometime! Cheryle
wow thats some good quality guttering
w.o.w and LOL
Shit! It looks like Michael Jackson from Thriller!!!
Awesome!! I love it!! Wish I'd thought of it!
That's too bad. It was a hilarious idea!
I probably would have dropped his pants around his ankles too and had him wearing candy cane boxers or something.
Fantastic idea, to make it even more realistic you could have done the "boxers hanging out" and pant's halfway down the cheeks which seems to be all the rage these days!
This guy must be a ton of fun at the Christmas party- love it!
Ha! And also a dark social commentary about the holidays.
Funniest, best, most creative Christmas decoration, EVER. This was awesome. I am with others who say to make him look more like Santa and then people won't stop.
How does someone who's that close not tell its a dummy? The fact that it's motionless, maybe the fact that it doesn't respond to talking. Hmm lets climb the ladder and help it out.
Absolutely love it. Puts the Santa hanging off my neighbor's roof to shame. Wish I could have taken a picture myself...
Now that's what I call a dangerous sense of humor! Hilarous!
One of the best jokes in 2009 :) :thumpsup:
A White House filled with incompetence and this brilliant lady is available. What a sad Christmas.
try it again, but maybe wrap the end of the lights around him so he'll be visible at night, and ppl might see that he's not struggling and figure it's fake
I think I typed my email wrong. Keryscanlon1@aol.com. My house and decoration. Be glad to share other stories
A neighbor of ours had this decoration up as well and the cops came by and made him take it down because they had received too many 911 calls about it.
Funny at first, but a real asshole thing to do when u think about it
That is very funny, love it!
you should have had a sign out that said. if you help him he won't learn anything.
that is funny but not as funny as this hahah ROFLMAOMGGG!!!!
Now that's the Gordon I love....keep up the good work!!!
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